A Morning’s Walk

My wife and I walk every morning,

a mile or so--

it’s good for us old to walk in the cold,

or in the misty rain, it makes less the pain

that old age is wont to bring to bodies

which once burned bright with youth,

though now I wear braces on ankles,

braces on knees, and I walk slowly

with 2 canes, like an old skier,

sans snow, sans mountain. 

We passed a tree whose leaves had

left behind summer’s green and now 

fall slowly, carefully one by one 

in their autumnal splendor.

My wife stopped me--

listen she said-- but 

I heard nothing—hush!,

stand still, she said,

and I tried hard to

hear the mystery….

Finally I asked her, knowing my hearing

less than my wife’s (too many rock concerts

in my heedless youth), what we listen for?

She looked up at my old head, and smiled--

only she could hear the sound each leaf made

as it rippled the air in falling to the ground.

When The Warm Day Dies

When the warm day dies

And the cool night sets in,

Then I’ll be there, beside

You my love, feeling the

Heat of a beating heart,

My arms wrapped round

Your empty shoulders as

I whisper silent words of

Love and longing in your

Lonely, unadorned ear….

Nolo Segundo, ( L.j. Carber) a late bloomer, published in his eighth decade in more than 180 journals in 14 countries on 4 continents.  Nominated for pushcart and  thrice for Best of the Net. He has published three collections, The Enormity of Existence, Of Ether and Earth, and Soul Songs. 

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