Kudos to poets Gayatri Majumdar and Anju Makija for orchestrating the wonderful literary event by the lulling seashore of Pondicherry beach, the Aurobindo Ashram, and at Auroville. Gayatri's zest  for organizing memorable happenings and  her love for poetry  and passionate commitment to it was once again on show. Anju, was quietly effective. Pondicherry is an undying historical presence in the Indian scene both for Aurobindo and  poet Bharati, and surely Pondicherry will be remembered  for such fine literary events as this too. May the coming chapters of the festival be blessed and provide the much required interactive  opportunities for poets in the Indian English literary patio.

Poets Raja Chakraborty, Sekhar Banerjee, Srilata Krishnan, Geetha Ravichandran, Mallika Bhaumik, Rani Uniyal, Sangeeta Kotwal,  Nabanita Sengupta, Urna Bose, Sophia Naz, Sushanta, Shikantin Biswas,  were some of the poets I heard reading out their fine poems.  Mita Vashisht  held the audience with her performance on  Lal Ded.

A singular highlight was the ' Meet the Publisher' where the young Dibyajyoti Sarma sailed his Red River with aplomb, with a rainbow shower of  poetry books bearing the Red River imprint  that were released on the occasion. The books on display evoked the feeling of  bright Klint paintings on display. Dibya's devotion  to poetry brought out   a firmament full  of poet stars on the occasion, that was indeed aura, in the basement of the Aura store where he also  recollected his trudging  experiences as a budding publisher turning full term.

A memorable alley in 2023  the festival of letters will remain, one  that will not easily be forgotten.

Once again, congratulations , Gayatri and Anju!

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