Look East

He says-Look East

and touch the Sun, 

never look behind the West ,

let  it follow you. 

Looking behind the past is

a crime-

Said the wise men .

I look forward to receiving your words

you have never spoken.

To me, East means nothing but  

the fragrance you spread over 

the skies that still lingers, 


I Exist In Wilderness

By and large, 

I am able to survive, 

believe me.

Darwin was right;

You thought something else.

Through passage of time ,

I climbed on top,

came down on earth ,

beneath the sky…

All I have are pebbles and stones,

I have nothing to give you, 

just a teardrop !

Standing on the edge of the abyss, 

I know I have to return to the source,

 slowly recovering from the current, 

to the roots of non-existence.

Survival of the fittest

means  to me -

I exist in wilderness.  

I Saw Adam At The Crossroads

Eve did not commit crime to him;

It is the Serpent  who did it. 

By Jove,   the  serpent !

It is the God who indulged all of us

in  hungry tides of lust, sex and hunger-

Said old father of the Church of the village.


Today I have seen him on the cross road

Adam his  name , my old time friend;

We played together in childhood days 

We both loved a single girl 

from our neighboring village –

I came to know this secret after 

she got married.

Across the bridge stands a church,

century old, the plaster is crumbling, dilapidated, 

the grand clock still stands.

I never saw Adam going to church. 

At  the  crossroads today ,I met him after

three  decades, shook hands with me 

after many years!

She did not commit any crime to me,

You know, her father was

 a cruel serpent. 

God saved me,

 saved me again and again…

Now I live alone !

Braja K Sorkar is a bilingual Author, Translator, Editor and Critic  from West Bengal, India. He has  published 10 titles in Bengali and one in English poetry, titled ‘Syllables of Broken Silence’ .He has been editing  the  Bengali literary magazine ‘Tristoop’ for 23 years. Recently, he launched  an International English Literary Journal, titled’ Durgapur Review’ . He chiefly edited with others an International  Anthology of World English Poetry, titled ‘ Voices Now: World Poetry Today”.  He  has also published a collection of Assamese Poetry  translated by him into  Bengali . Braja K Sorkar is a registered Translator , associated with National Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi and other government agencies.. He is a regular contributor  to various literary magazine in Bengali and English. Besides, he is the chief of ‘ Tristoop Books’ an emerging  Publishing houses, West Bengal, India

Contact: [email protected] , Whats App- 9064231839

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