Scent of Rain is a remarkable book of tributes to the  late poet Jayanta Mahapatra. One can easily feel  the genuine sensitivity and the  abiding passion of  the poet  Ashwani Kumar   who has displayed so much dedication, affection, commitment and passionate intensity in the compilation of this  marvelous book of tributes. The cover in black and white with the prophet- like Jayanta Dada  in relief perfectly suits the book and initiates   the sombre mood of the book of  memories. Alongside  many of the poems are vivid   pencil sketches and poignant black and white photographs of the poet during the many creative phases of his life. Poems by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra ‘ My house luminous, my day turned to ash’ penetrates  the reading self. Geetha Ravichandran’s, 'There’s s price to be paid after every sunset’ or Durga Panda's  'This bone wagon of a body slowing down to a screeching halt’  to mention just a few,  deepen   the  mood of mystery  of Scent of rain, where every poem  is  a  tear drop over the now vacant  Tinkonia  Bhagicha.

Red River  known for its rich,  varied and colourful  poetry imprints   has brought out the book, that'll be cherished by all the fans and lovers of 'Dada' worldwide. 

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