In love’s country

In love’s country

Desire is an over-ripe mango

Yellow, fragrant, enticing from the outside

Pulpy, fibrous, and pungent from the inside

The longer you keep, the sooner it perishes

In love’s country

Sadness is a lone mango tree

Resting underneath its gigantic canopy

Rooted in permanence

Heavy from seasonal blights

In love’s country

Longing is a raw mango

Pickled, bottled, preserved

That tears open glands

When served in daily doses of the past.


I love footnotes in long chapters

They help me follow along 

Concepts that need context

Theories irrational

Stories unbelievable

Anecdotes that speak a foreign language

They’re too easy to miss

And make things difficult, if not found

They’re designed that way

They don’t interrupt, but

Lead us to a moral

They’re disguised 

In signs we ignore

Between lines we read

In paragraphs we skip

In things we follow 

In voices we hush

Some call them intuition too


Rolls of white

Cotton fibers, delicate as hurt

Circle by circle; layer by layer

Ease grip on me

Tincture–its pleasing aroma

Bone, gathering its own pieces

A jigsaw puzzle, almost complete

Nothing much the physicians could do

Allow it to heal, let it take its form

Take its own time

No signs of pain yet

It’s fragile from years of carrying

Calcium deficiency has made it brittle 

The deficiency is real…

That’s the thing with deficiencies

You don’t know they exist

Until, they show up in 

Places you didn't know existed


One of my self-discovery trips

Stuff women do in their forties

When loss seems like 

a habit we cannot live without

I, in my hermit kingdom

a crab trapped in the recess of a large coral reef

From my window, I see a murky creek, 

Exhausted and weak

She slithers like an eel along a cleared rainforest patch 

The ocean decides her form

High tides swell her up

Low tides expose her innards

From fleshy to skeletal, she transforms on a whim

Change is often painful, she does that with ease

On a clear, full-moon night, I step beside her 

And listen as she huffs and puffs 

Bubbles arise and fill up the moon in her

Like she’s breathing life into it

And then I knew, she was alive.

Sheena is a poet based out of Bangalore. Sheena’s debut book named Defiance Came Naturally to Me was published by RedRiver in 2021. She works as a content designer and is fascinated by the power of the human psyche. Often seen mulling over ordinary things, Sheena also loves tending to the soil or soaking some sunshine on tropical sea shores.

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