

Next to the rolled-up prayer mat

a catena of scriptures 

carelessly stacked

amidst clouds of incense

and a burning oil brass lamp

may hold  


no one actually seeks.

They only come here 

in search of a magic formula 

to get what they want

just now.

At The End

Time skirts around

patches of neglect.

It contours

breathing spaces. 

We enter a hollow


cunningly crafted,

and spin around

with no clue 

that we are being played.

We emerge 


the rockface.

But at the end, our lives are vested

with a ripeness

by the scowling, golden sun.


The city had waited

for rains 

standing in queues 

for the water-tankers.

Plastic pots

in psychedelic colours

matched the breast- beating anger

of the residents as they 

swore and shoved ahead . 

Water receding to a lens

in the old wells

added to the despair. 

Leaving the city was no option .

They learnt to harvest

whatever water the sky poured down.

Decades later there were floods.

The unused storm drains were overwhelmed. 

Watching the morning rain

in a green neighbourhood, 

she wondered who sang

the Ragam Amritavarshini 

to appease the rain gods 

and soften the sullen earth. 

Perhaps, it was just the frogs.

 Geetha Ravichandran is a retired bureaucrat and poet . She has two collections of poetry Arjavam and The Spell of the Rain Tree published by Red River

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